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How to Change Home Feed on Pinterest

Is your Pinterest feed filled with pins that you're not interested in?

If it is, you can reset it so that it only shows pins that you like.

Pinterest curates your feed based on many factors.

One of them is your Pinterest history or pins that you've recently looked at.

For example, if you've recently looked at a lot of recipes, your Pinterest feed will include recipes.

Similarly, if you've recently looked at a lot of fashion, your Pinterest feed will include fashion.

Pinterest will also show you pins based on who you follow.

For example, if you follow a lot of users in the streetwear niche, you'll see a lot of streetwear pins on your feed.

In a nutshell, you need to change the way you interact on Pinterest to get the feed that you want.

In this guide, you'll learn how to reset your Pinterest feed.

How to reset your Pinterest feed

To reset your Pinterest feed, you need to navigate to "Tune your home feed".

On the "Tune your home feed" page, you need to turn off all history, disable board recommendations, remove topics, and unfollow profiles.

The "Tune your home feed" page allows you to change your Pinterest feed.

It contains 4 tabs including "History", "Boards", "Topics", and "Profiles".

You can edit each of those tabs to customize your feed.

The "History" tab contains pins that you've recently looked at.

The "Boards" tab consists of all of your created boards while the "Topics" tab shows the topics that you follow.

Lastly, the "Profiles" tab shows the users that you're following on Pinterest.

You can edit these preferences to change your Pinterest feed.

Here's how to reset your Pinterest feed:

  1. Navigate to "Tune your home feed"
  2. Turn off all history
  3. Disable board recommendations
  4. Remove topics
  5. Unfollow profiles

1. Navigate to "Tune your home feed"

The first step is to navigate to "Tune your home feed".

Firstly, open Pinterest and log in to your account if you haven't already.

Once you're logged in, you'll see a dropdown arrow on the top navigation bar.

The dropdown arrow is located next to your profile picture.

Click on the dropdown arrow on the top navigation bar.

After you've clicked on the dropdown arrow, a navigation menu will open.

The navigation menu contains multiple options.

This includes "Settings", "Tune your home feed", "Install the Windows app", and others.

Click on "Tune your home feed" to go to the "Tune your home feed" page.

2. Turn off all history

After you've clicked on "Tune your home feed", you'll land on the "History" tab.

The "Tune your home feed" page allows you to edit your preferences.

By editing your preferences, you'll be able to change or reset your Pinterest feed.

On the "History" tab, you'll see the pins that you've recently looked at.

Pinterest will show you pins based on pins that you've recently looked at.

Hence, you need to turn off your history to stop Pinterest from recommending you pins based on it.

To do so, click on "Turn off all" to turn off your history.

Alternatively, you can click "Turn off" on the pins that you don't like.

3. Disable board recommendations

After you've turned off your history, you need to go to the "Boards" tab.

Click on "Boards" to go to the "Boards" tab.

On the "Boards" tab, you'll see all of your created boards.

Your home feed on Pinterest is also based on your created boards.

To stop Pinterest from recommending pins based on your created boards, you need to turn off recommendations.

Next to your boards, click on the switches to turn off recommendations.

The switch should turn from black (enabled) to white (disabled).

By doing this, your Pinterest feed will not contain pins based on your created boards.

4. Remove topics

The next step is to remove topics that you're following on Pinterest.

Firstly, click on the "Topics" tab to go to the "Topics" page.

On the "Topics" page, you'll see all of the topics that you're following on Pinterest.

Your Pinterest feed will contain pins based on the topics that you're following.

To stop this, you need to remove all of the topics that you're following.

Click on "Remove" under each topic to remove them.

After you've removed all topics, your Pinterest feed will no longer be based on the topics that you're following.

5. Unfollow profiles

The final step is to unfollow profiles on Pinterest.

Your Pinterest feed is also based on the people that you follow.

For example, if you follow a lot of people in the finance niche, your feed will be filled with finance pins.

To reset your feed, you need to unfollow everyone on Pinterest.

Firstly, click on the "Profiles" tab.

This will open the "Profiles" page where you'll see profiles that you're following on Pinterest.

Click on the "Following" button on each profile to unfollow everyone.

After you've unfollowed everyone on Pinterest, your home feed will no longer be based on who you follow.


According to Pinterest, your home feed is curated based on three factors.

This includes your recent activity, the people that you follow, and the boards that you follow.

If you want to change how your Pinterest feed looks, you need to follow people and boards that you like.

Unfollow people and boards that you dislike so that your home feed will not contain any unwanted pins.

If you still don't like your Pinterest feed, the last straw is to create a new account.

You can create a new account by logging out of your current Pinterest account and clicking on "Sign up".

Then, use a secondary email address to create your account.

By creating a new Pinterest account, your feed will be reset.

Further reading

How to Download Pinterest Videos (5 Easy Steps)

How to Download Private Vimeo Videos (6 Easy Steps)

Does Follow/Unfollow Work on Pinterest?


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